Dnevach is a digital diary for students of Russian universities, in which you can view the class schedule of your educational institution, write down homework, and share your notes with classmates. In addition, the application has a tape with student jokes, anti-stress games and much more.For the CURRENT list of connected universities, see our official Vkontakte group (Dnevach - University Schedule): https://vk.com/dnevuch.At the time of the last update, the following schools are supported (this list may no longer be up-to-date):- Timetable TPU (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)- Schedule PskovGU (Pskov State University)- Schedule of BSTU (Bryansk State Technical University)- Schedule BSPU (Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla)- Schedule of the Moscow State Institute of Culture (MGIK)- Schedule ChGIK (Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture)- Schedule SamGTU (Samara State Technical University)- Schedule of SSTU (Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin)- Timetable PNU (Pacific State University)- Schedule SPbGASU (St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)- Schedule of St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg State University)- Schedule of TGPC (Tomsk State Pedagogical College)- Schedule TAK (Tomsk Agrarian College)- Schedule KLPK (Kirov Forestry College)- Schedule KGKSEP (Kirov State College of Construction, Economics and Law)- Schedule DINO (Dmitrov Institute of Continuing Education)- Schedule ZabSU (Transbaikal State University)- Schedule PGATU (Perm State Agrarian and Technological University)- Schedule RGEU (RINH) (Rostov State University of Economics)- Schedule of KuzGTU (Kuzbass State Technical University)- Schedule OmGU (Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky)- Schedule IrGUPS (Irkutsk State Transport University)- Schedule of SPbGMTU (St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University)- Schedule SSEU (Samara State University of Economics)- Schedule KubGAU (Kuban State Agrarian University)- IKBFU schedule I. Kant (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University)- Full list available in the appP.S. Dont forget to tell your classmates about Dnevach :)